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Know Before You Go: Springfield, IL Worksheets

Know Before You Go: Springfield, IL Worksheets featured image

Get students ready for their Springfield student tour with resources that provide essential information on the capitol of Illinois. From Abraham Lincoln to the functions of state governments, these teaching tools cover subjects that will get students excited about the sites they are about to visit.

Abraham Lincoln

Mask of Lincoln

As the first president serving after the coming of age of photography, Lincoln used portraits to communicate with the people. Using images and research from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, this information-rich portfolio showcases portraits and descriptions of the American icon as he journeys from a “Tousle Haired” abolitionist in 1857 to a gaunt, war-weary president in February of 1865.

Lincoln Douglas Debate

This lesson plan from the National Parks Service provides primary documents from the debates, including political cartoons, Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech and transcripts. These documents are paired with analytical worksheets.

Mary Todd Lincoln

A short biography of the 16th First Lady challenges students to define related vocabulary.

The State of Illinois

Illinois Facts

This quick worksheet asks students essential questions about the state of Illinois. An answer key is included.

Illinois Word Search

With this word search, students will find names of people, places, and things related to the state of Illinois.

State Government 

The Division of Power

What is the responsibility of the state government in Springfield, Illinois? This worksheet outlines the ways in which the Constitution divided responsibilities among national and state governments. It also challenges students to sort a variety of powers into a corresponding Venn diagram.